Yes—Gorgeous Underarms are Totally Possible
The Wonders of Underarm Waxing
If you've never waxed your underarms, we're here to tell you: you've got to try it. Our Wax Experts can help you get skin so flawless we're betting you'll want to go sleeveless year-round just to show off.
Plus, we've got a collection of ridiculously amazing waxing aftercare products designed to give you the underarm skin of your dreams (and yes, that's totally a thing).
The smooth results of waxing last a whole lot longer

Your dull razor is partly to blame for your underarm discoloration...
Just like your ex, the worst thing a razor can be is dull. So unless it's right-out-of-the-box sharp, you could be creating micro-tears every time you drag that razor across your skin. A dull razor can cause ingrown hairs or painful little bumps that sting like fire when you slather on deodorant.
Of course, this can happen on any part of your skin, but is most common on parts you shave the most—notably, the underarms and bikini. When the skin experiences a trauma, it goes into healing overdrive, and it's this healing process that triggers the creation of excess melanocytes, which will leave a darker and discolored patch around the area affected.

...and your antiperspirant is probably the other culprit
It's all about the ingredients.
Deodorants often contain alcohol, parabens and other chemicals that can further irritate just-shaved skin, adding to the inflammation. And any kind of skin trauma (and subsequent inflammation) can then cause thickening and darkening of the skin as it heals.
A detox routine can be a much-needed reset for your skin