Introduction to Laser Hair Removal

We know hair removal—and skin care in general—are deeply personal undertakings. That’s why we’re excited to offer multiple solutions for hair removal and help you truly personalize your journey based on your unique needs and goals. 

Rest assured, we’ve developed our laser hair removal program with the same dedication, care, and expertise that goes into our renowned waxing services. With European Wax Center’s laser hair removal, guests can expect the same quality, experience, and accessibility that European Wax Center is known for.

Our mission is to consistently provide every guest with a first-class hair removal experience and make sure each person who walks through our doors leaves feeling confident—in us, in themselves, and in the idea that their “best self” has been there all along.

Overview of Laser Hair Removal

We’ll go into more specific details later on, but to keep this guide “laser-focused,” here are a few key points:

  • “LASER” is an acronym for “Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation” 
  • Laser Hair Removal is a cosmetic procedure that uses concentrated beam of light to remove unwanted hair. 

  • Basically: the laser emits a light that is absorbed by the melanin below a hair follicle. The heat of the light energy impacts the hair follicle, so the hair falls out and will be less likely to grow back right away.

  • Where? Aside from eyelashes, shaping eyebrows, and scalp, you can get laser hair removal on most of your body.

  • Why? While waxing removes hair at the root to slow regrowth over time, laser hair removal targets the follicle for longer-lasting and more immediate hair reduction.

How Can I Tell if Laser Hair Removal Is Right For Me?

If you’re considering European Wax Center’s laser hair removal treatments, it's best to book a consultation with one of our on-site experts. Click here to find the nearest European Wax Center offering laser hair removal and book your reservation.

During your initial consultation (which is free!), you and your hair removal expert will discuss your options. There are similar benefits to waxing with our Comfort Wax® and laser hair removal. For instance, both methods: 

  • Soften hair
  • Help reduce ingrown hairs
  • Save time (vs. shaving or at-home processes)
  • Can be completed in as little as 15 minutes

In addition to your preferences, your European Wax Center expert will base their recommendation on a number of factors. Waxing is suitable for all guests and may even be preferable for customers with very light blonde, red, or gray hair. Laser may be less effective for these hair colors, but a lot of factors come into play so it’s still worth booking a free consultation with one of our experts for personalized advice.

What Are the Benefits of Laser Hair Removal?

If you choose laser hair removal at European Wax Center, the effects of the treatment can be seen even after just one session.

You can expect:

  • Noticeable thinning of the hair
  • Decrease in growth rate
  • Overall improvement of the smoothness of the area (with repeated treatment)
  • Significant reduction of hair in the treated area (after multiple sessions)

Remember, the best way to find out if laser hair removal is right for you is to book a free consultation with one of our experts. Visit to find a location near you so you can experience the meaning of Every Body Smooth™.

What Laser Hair Removal Services Can I Get at European Wax Center?

Because “All Roads Lead to Smooth,” we’re excited to add laser hair removal services to our treatment options. Laser hair removal has come a long way since its inception, and recent advancements in the technology have given European Wax Center confidence that these treatments can help you achieve an even longer-lasting smooth.

Thanks to our years of expertise in hair removal, we’ve been able to partner with the most state-of-the-art companies in this growing field. We’ll cover this in more detail later, but the GentleMax Pro Plus® devices used at European Wax Center are some of the most advanced laser hair removal technology available today. They even feature a unique DCD™ cooling system to provide the most comfortable experience possible. 

As mentioned above, the first step is booking a free consultation at a European Wax Center near you. Your hair removal expert will create a personalized, custom treatment plan based on your comfort level, needs, and frequency of request. If you purchase a 6 session treatment plan at the time of your consultation, you will get one free treatment. Just visit, and you’re one step closer to discovering the smooth skin of your dreams! 

Depending on the location of the hair and your skin type or hair color/texture, your hair removal expert may recommend waxing over laser treatments. You can always count on us to be honest about which hair removal technique is the best fit for you. If your expert does recommend laser hair removal, that’s great news! We offer treatments for every body part (except eyelashes).  

Laser Hair Removal Services

During your free consultation, you’ll be evaluated to determine the right treatment plan for you. We recommend returning at least a handful of times so you can see the full effects of the laser hair removal treatment. If you do opt for a treatment plan, we offer a special package deal – buy 6 treatments during your consultation, and the 7th is on us.

    Services Offered

  • Extra Small Treatment Areas

  • Small Treatment Areas

  • Medium Treatment Areas

  • Large Treatment Areas

$450 (6 + 1 package price)
$64.29 per treatment ($75 per treatment without package)

  • Cheeks
  • Chin
  • Ears
  • Eyebrow (between brows)
  • Hairline
  • Hands
  • Nose
  • Lip (upper or lower)
  • Nipples
  • Sideburns
  • Stomach strip
  • Toes

$750 (6 + 1 package price)
$107.14 per treatment ($125 per treatment without package)

  • Back (upper, middle, or lower)
  • Bikini line
  • Butt (strip)
  • Chest (strip)
  • Inner thigh
  • Neck
  • Underarms

$1200 (6 + 1 package price)
$171.43 per treatment ($200 per treatment without package)

  • Arms (half)
  • Bikini (brazilian)
  • Bikini full
  • Full butt
  • Full Stomach
  • Full face
  • Legs (upper or lower)
  • Shoulders

$1800 (6 + 1 package price)
$257.14 per treatment ($300 per treatment without package)

  • Arms (full)
  • Back (full)
  • Chest (full)
  • Legs (full)

While we understand laser hair removal is initially a higher investment than our traditional waxing experience, the longer-lasting results and less frequent upkeep can make it a cost-effective choice for the right candidate. 

We feel confident recommending this exciting treatment to guests who want Additional Benefits of European Wax Center’s Laser Hair Removal Packages. We are proud to say that European Wax Center has the best treatments available, along with transparent pricing, and flexible payment plans that work with your budget. 

Every laser hair removal package purchased from European Wax Center includes a custom, personalized treatment plan based on your skin type, hair texture, and other factors that you’ll discuss during your free consultation. 

You may even end up with a hybrid wax/laser treatment plan. Our hair removal experts will walk you through it because here at European Wax Center, “All Roads Lead to Smooth!”

Need a payment plan?

No problem! We’re here to work with your budget and needs.

Unlike many other cosmetic and beauty service companies, we are transparent about our pricing. You’ll find the prices below at every European Wax Center in the United States that offers laser hair removal services.

Please contact your local European Wax Center location to confirm services and availability.

The "How" & "Why"?

This next section will go pretty deep into the “how?” and “why?” of laser hair removal, so we’ll understand if you skim over some of it! That said, be sure to read our helpful information on what you’ll need to know before and after your first session. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, on to the science.

How Does Laser Hair Removal Work?

As we said above, the basic details are that a laser (an ultra-high frequency light beam) will be directed at your skin, impacting the melanin and the follicle via a heat reaction. Because not all your hair grows at the same rate, you will need multiple sessions to get an optimal treatment, each treating the area during a slightly different part of the hair follicle’s life cycle. 

Thanks to our decades of hair removal experience, we were able to source the most advanced laser hair removal equipment possible. European Wax Center uses the GentleMax Pro Plus® made by Candela Medical. This system is a dual wavelength laser platform that combines the 755nm Alexandrite laser with 1064nm Nd:YAG laser.

Like other laser removal systems, the GentleMax Pro Plus® treatment uses heat and directed light to remove unwanted hair quickly, comfortably, and effectively. The GentleMax Pro Plus® system stands out, though, because of its Dynamic Cooling Device™ (or DCD). The DCD protects the upper layers of the skin during treatment with a cooling burst of Cryogen (similar to what is used in Cryotherapy treatment), meaning your skin will recover faster and with less irritation. 

To get super, ultra-technical about what’s going on with the GentleMax Pro Plus® unit, your hair removal specialist will target a specific chromophore (melanin) for selective photothermolysis. Don’t worry. You don’t need to know those terms; that’s what the experts are for. 

A laser pulse will be delivered to the treated area, ultra-targeted so the heat does not impact the surrounding chromophores (like hemoglobin). This will help keep the non-treated tissue safe during the procedure, maximizing your comfort. This precision targeting, paired with the GentleMax Pro Plus® proprietary DCD system, means that European Wax Center can offer the most comfortable laser hair removal treatments possible.

What To Do Before Your Laser Hair Removal Session

So now that we’ve gotten through all the technical stuff, let’s get smooth. As mentioned, the first step is to head to to find a location near you and book a free consultation. 

Depending on the treatment your expert recommends, your first session could happen immediately after your consultation, so make sure you’re ready. 

Before your consultation/session:

  • Leave the patch or section of hair you’d like treated untouched. If our hair removal expert can see the area as nature intended it, they will have the best chance of creating a customized and accurate plan for you. 
  • Avoid sun exposure (including tanning beds and spray tans), as this can negatively impact your expert’s ability to assess the area and make the treatment less effective.
  • Avoid all skin care in the area – including makeup, oils, or lotions. 
  • Avoid Botox®, fillers, or other cosmetic procedures in the treatment area for at least two weeks.
  • For follow-up visits, it is best to come with the area shaved – this allows the laser to target the follicles more directly. 

Unfortunately, there are certain situations in which we will not treat guests. In these situations, we may have to reschedule or postpone the plan until your situation changes. 

Some examples are:

  • If you have a sunburn or a prominent suntan, we may be unable to begin treatment. 
  • If you have used Accutane (acne medication) in the past 6 months. 
  • If you are still on or have recently taken any other photosensitive medications (including antibiotics).
  • If you have applied retinol (Retin-A) within the last two weeks.
  • If you are pregnant.
  • If you have an open wound or a large tattoo in the area where you are getting treated.

The easiest way to avoid these complications is to be honest with your hair removal expert during your initial consultation. Don’t be shy – we’ve seen and heard it all! (And your privacy is important to us, of course.)

What To Expect During Your Laser Hair Removal Session

So, you’ve already visited and read through the FAQs. You’ve had your consultation with a European Wax Center hair removal specialist and booked your first session. Now what? 

In some situations (depending on scheduling and other factors), you can have your first session begin immediately after your consultation. Please refer to the above tips to prepare for your first treatment sessions. 

Depending on the area, laser hair removal sessions typically last 15-30 minutes. Our experts have optimized their procedures to be efficient without compromising on quality. We want you to achieve our signature smooth within the constraints of your busy schedule.

Every guest’s pain tolerance and perception of the laser sensation differ slightly. Some guests have compared the feeling to a rubber band snap or a warm prickling feeling. Many guests have told us they find the sensation very tolerable (and, for some, it’s even a breeze!). 

During your session, it’s important to communicate your comfort or discomfort to your laser hair removal expert, as they may need to increase or decrease the intensity of the laser to suit your needs and goals. If you’re still unsure during your free consultation, your expert may even recommend a “test patch” so you can know what to expect. 

Laser hair removal is a “more permanent” option than waxing, but it will take multiple sessions for most people to achieve the desired effect. That’s why we encourage booking a bundle of 6 sessions (which includes a 7th, free session), 4-8 weeks apart. This allows for optimal recovery and healing time between sessions, meaning more comfort and better results. As with anything cosmetic or skin-related, we understand that this is a deeply personal situation, and we encourage you to talk to your expert to make the right plan to suit your life and hair removal goals.

What To Do After Your Laser Hair Removal Session

After every hair removal session, there are a few steps we recommend every guest follow for maximum healing and treatment impact. 

  • Embrace the Cool: To soothe temporary discomfort, apply aloe or a cool compress to the treatment area.
  • Avoid the Heat: Stay cool – avoid the gym, sauna, or hot tub for 48 hours after your treatment. Let your skin breathe.
  • Gentle Care is Key: Avoid using harsh scrubs, exfoliants, or abrasive skincare in the treated area. Gentle cleansers, moisturizers, and sun protection (at least 30 SPF!) are the name of the game. 
  • Common After Effects: Some clients may experience “shedding” within the first week or two after their treatment. Although it may appear as new hair growth, it indicates an effective treatment. Do not worry about this phase! The hair will wash off in the shower, or you can wipe the area with a wet cloth.
  • Stay in Touch: We want to be your partners in your hair removal journey! Don’t hesitate to contact your local experts or check our site at if you have any questions or concerns.

Laser Hair Removal Safety and Side Effects

European Wax Center employs the best hair removal experts who follow stringent safety protocols to keep our guests comfortable, safe, and cared for during their visits. All laser hair removal specialists are licensed per local or state rules to perform the procedure. Additionally, all laser hair removal specialists undergo European Wax Center’s in-house training program, where we stress safety, cleanliness, and customer service. 

Some common side effects of laser hair removal include redness and bumps (perifollicular edema/erythema) in the treatment area. This is normal and should subside after a few days. Guests may also find that the treated hair takes several weeks to shed, but we assure you the follicle will eventually shed the hair, leaving you with nothing but silky-smooth skin. 

Abnormal skin reactions to laser hair removal may include:

  • Burning
  • Blistering
  • Scabbing
  • Crusting
  • Hyperpigmentation (skin gets dark at the treated area)
  • Hypopigmentation (skin gets light at the treated area)

If any of these reactions occur, please contact your European Wax Center expert immediately, as you may need further treatment. In the case of hyper- or hypo-pigmentation, you will not be able to receive another treatment at European Wax Center until the impacted area returns to normal.


Is laser hair removal safe?

Absolutely! Laser hair removal is a safe and proven method of long-lasting hair reduction. European Wax Centers use state-of-the-art laser systems that are FDA-approved and have been tested by our expert hair removal specialists. If  you are nervous or unsure whether laser hair removal is right for you, we offer a free consultation with an expert who will help you determine the safest and most effective approach.

Is laser hair removal 100% permanent?

Not quite, but it’s close! Our laser treatments can result after just 3 sessions, but you may still require future touch-ups (through either laser or waxing) to stay completely smooth. Additionally, hormonal changes such as aging or pregnancy may cause new hair to grow in.

Can you use laser hair removal to shape eyebrows?

We do offer laser hair removal for the area between the brows, however we do NOT recommend laser hair removal to shape eyebrows because of the precise nature of this service. For brow shaping, we recommend a wax with one of our Wax Specialists, who will use our exclusive Comfort Wax® to give you brows that wow and enhance your unique facial features.

What’s the difference between the GentleMax Pro Plus® system and at-home products?

At-home laser hair removal devices (also known as IPL or Intense Pulsed Light Therapy) use broad-spectrum light with multiple wavelengths. European Wax Center’s GentleMax Pro Plus® system uses a single concentrated beam of light with far higher energy levels. This means the hair removal expert can target specific follicles with far more precision, causing less damage to the surrounding tissue. IPL technology works best on dark hair on light skin, while our advanced GentleMax Pro Plus® devices can be used on a broad spectrum of skin and hair tones.

Here’s what you get when you book a laser hair removal treatment with European Wax Center:

    • Expertise: Our hair removal specialists are fully licensed and trained to provide the most comfortable treatment possible. 
    • Personalized Care: At your free consultation, you’ll receive a custom treatment plan based on your skin type, hair texture, requested area, budget, and more. Payment plans are also available. 
    • Additional Perks: Book a laser hair removal package and receive your first wax service free!

    • The Brand You Trust: For returning European Wax Center guests, we want to assure you that you will receive the same VIP service with laser hair removal as you’d expect with our Comfort Wax®. 
    • Proven Results: Many guests experience up to 80% of hair reduction after a series of treatments.
    • Best Technology: Top-of-the-line GentleMax Pro Plus® devices mean you’re getting the best possible treatment. 
    • Safe and Effective: On all skin colors and types. 
    • Gentle and Fast: Cryogen-powered cooling helps keep you comfortable, and 15-30 minute sessions work with your busy life. 
    • Affordable Packages: Payment plans are available if needed.
    • Convenient locations and hours: Check to find the location closest to you and discover your Every Body Smooth™.

Ready to start your laser hair removal journey?

The first step is to book your initial consultation or first session. Simply visit and book online, or find the European Wax Center closest to you to find their phone number.