
We strive to provide individuals with disabilities with equal access to our products and services, including through an accessible website. If you have questions, comments, or encounter any difficulty in using this site, please e-mail


Do you offer a step stool?

Yes, we do offer a step stool in the suite.

What should I wear? 

Comfortable, loose-fitting clothing is recommended.

Will I have to undress? 

It depends on the service, but you will need to expose any areas of the body that you intend to have waxed.

I have light sensitivity; can the lights be adjusted? 

Some locations do have the ability to dim the lights, but others do not. Please confirm when making your reservation.

Am I allowed to bring headphones or ear buds to my reservation? 


I use a personal assistant. Am I permitted to bring them to my reservation? 


I need pictorial direction. Is this possible? 

Yes, we have wax pattern booklets that detail each step of the service.

Can I receive any services from my wheelchair/scooter?

Depending on the area of the body that you intend to have waxed, you may be able to receive services in your wheelchair/ scooter. Please confirm when making your reservation.

Can I bring my service or guide dog? 

Yes, you may bring a service or guide dog to your reservation, subject to compliance with applicable laws and regulations. Please contact the location prior to your reservation to make them aware.

How can I request accessibility-related assistance or accommodations? 

When booking a reservation online, there is a designated field in which you may include notes regarding requests for accessibility-related assistance or accommodations.  For specific questions regarding accessibility-related assistance or accommodations, please contact the location that you intend to visit.